In the current print version of the Woodworker’s Journal, I asked my editorial readers how they are responding to the current discouraging economic news … specifically, how they were responding as woodworkers. As a group, we are known to be thrifty. To say we woodworkers are proud of our ability to squeeze the most out of a dollar would be a significant understatement. Something akin to saying: politicians like to talk, or winters can be nippy here in Minnesota.
Anyway, I am interested in the opinions of the eZine faithful. In tough economic times, do you use your woodworking skills to save a bit of dough or to do a home repair task that you might have otherwise hired out? If you are not traveling as far on your vacation, might you be spending that time saved in your shop? Or do these hard times cause you to be less active in your shop? Maybe they make no difference to your woodworking activity at all. As always, my curiosity is both a curse and a blessing, but if you don’t mind sharing, I’d sure like to know.
Rob Johnstone,
Woodworker’s Journal