One of our readers of last issue’s eZine wondered about the images illustrating a question asking about the “Best Blade for My Circ Saw.” – Editor
“Why, when addressing the question about using a 7-1/4″ saw for a good quality cut did you include two illustrations of 8″ blades?” – Andy Ziny
And, Woodworker’s Journal senior editor Chris Marshall had the answer. – Editor
“Thanks for writing in, and good eye! The three blades depicted were more to show differences in tooth counts and basic style than to suggest specific models to buy. Most quality blade brands will have ripping, fine-cutting (plywood) and general purpose combination blade options in 7-1/4-in. sizes.” – Chris Marshall
Use Caution When Using Food Containers
And, we had some further suggestions – and some concerns – about last issue’s Tricks of the Trade write-up on “Making a Homemade Glue Bottle.” – Editor
“Just a word of caution for all of us, anytime we use a labeled container like a Pepsi bottle, mustard jar or any container that could be mistaken for the real thing, be aware that an unsuspecting child may mistake that container for the real thing, which could result in dangerous or life-threatening results. Make sure they are kept in a lockable location and out of the reach of children. Love your magazine and eZine.” – Frederic W. Foster
“About those glue bottles: good advice, but about one year ago I wrote about the best solution and you shared it with your readers. Let me repeat only because some may find this helpful (if you don’t eat mustard.) I have found no better glue bottle than Heinz 14 oz. catsup bottle.
1. Good size. You are right about buying a gallon, then you are never out of glue. Watch the temperature control!
2. The spout never gets clogged up.
3. The right amount of glue comes out. I use a glue brush or sometimes a small flat stick. Those flat shaped spouts on glue bottles are pesty!
4. The type of plastic used in a catsup bottle is hard and smooth and slippery (so food bacteria won’t collect) so when glue dries on it the glue flakes off very easy.
5. It can be stored upside-down when the bottle gets nearly empty. This makes it ready to use and keeps air out.
6. The opening in the bottle under the cap is big enough that you don’t need a funnel to fill it up, even pouring from a gallon jug.
Try it, you’ll like it!!”
– Bob D.
Menomonie, WI
And, to reiterate the caution. – Editor
“I protest the tip about reusing food containers in the shop for glue. Reuse of food containers is one of the biggest causes of poisoning of children.” – Jim Q.