This woodworker doesn’t have much room and wants to mount a bunch of tools on bases that can be clamped to his workbench so he doesn’t have a bunch of free standing platforms for his tools. Any issues or trouble with this plan?
Rick White: No problem that I can see. In fact, this would be a pretty good solution as long as you use common sense in terms of clamping the tools securely.
Ellis Walentine: Space always seems to be in short supply in workshops, even the largest ones. I’ve heard of some very innovative solutions for space saving, and benchtop tools are a popular one. Some hobbyists have even gone so far as to make special tool-holding fixtures with a rib on the bottom that can be clamped in a portable “Workmate.” The main downside of this strategy (assuming you make the benchtop stands large and sturdy enough to do the job) is that you have to continually shuffle your tools in and out of storage and onto your bench to use them. With heavier tools, such as some of the new benchtop planers and router tables, this could grow old on you quickly. Another potential problem is that some tools are more convenient (and possibly safer) to use at bench height where your hands and elbows are in the optimum position for holding and feeding stock. The upside, of course, is that you get to fill all that space you’ve saved with more stuff!
Ian Kirby: There is no problem inherent in your ‘bases’ idea. They must be strong and lightweight a good candidate for torsion box structures. I might suggest a couple of rolling tables to go with the bases in order to transport them hither and thither.