Can you tell me how to remove Titebond® II wood glue from my Bessey® clamps?
Andy Rae:Use a finely sharpened chisel to remove the stuff on the plastic heads, taking paring cuts. The dried glue will pop right off. To soften the encrusted glue on the beams in preparation for the next two steps, you can pour hot water over these areas, but I’ve had success without the water. On the relatively smooth edges of the serrated metal beams, use what I politely refer to as a crap chisel (you know you have one), duly sharpened, to scrape away the glue. Then use a steel wire-bristle brush to scrub between the serrations, or chuck a steel wire wheel in a hand drill and have at it. A yearly wax ‘n’ buff regimen on the beams will prevent glue buildup.