What should you make next? Here’s where you’ll find our current Free Plans offerings, which offer inspiration and fun for your projects list, while also throwing in some techniques that will upgrade your woodworking skills.
– Chris Marshall, Woodworker’s Journal
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These Harvey Ellis-inspired chairs will keep you busy in the shop and then become an elegant complement to an Arts & Crafts dining room table.

Mill tenons, grooves and more into the ends of square or angled stock with this micro-adjustable table saw accessory.
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This dresser is a stunning — and challenging — conclusion to our three-piece bedroom set.
“Good things come in small packages,” the saying goes. In this case, the small box itself is a good thing (and a great gift).
Curved elements give this Arts & Crafts standard a “lift,” but a fumed finish keeps it true to its roots.
Dazzling figured maple and quality brass hardware combine to form an eye-catching jewelry box that’s fun to build.