Let me begin by trying to keep you from judging me harshly in terms of my selection process. Some of you might feel that I have made poor choices and it is indeed likely that you would have done better. All I’ve got to say to that is — get your own Weekly woodworking newsletter. And once again, to all who sent in your photos, thanks. You are the greatest!
— Rob Johnstone
In First Place, winning a $100 Rockler gift card, is the Entry Bench by Gary Tague from Montana. Gary was inspired when he got his hands on some amazing looking hardwood and decided to use it in a way that really showed the beauty of the maple. I think all of us can identify with that. His bench does indeed showcase the hardwood perfectly, but he has some ‘splainin to do about how he accommodated for wood movement on the bench seat. But then again, he lives in Montana where it is always winter, so perhaps that is not a problem.
In Second Place, winning a $50 Rockler gift card, is the Boat by Wade Colclough. Why the boat? Well, a boat is the last project on my personal bucket list of hard things to build. And, spring is coming here in Minnesota. Many of us Minnesotans are thinking about buying a boat or getting ours in the water … hence the boat.
In Third Place, winning a $50 gift card, is the Oval Inlayed Box by Claudia Fletcher. It is a really nice piece of detailed work, plus she was humble enough not to show us her second really fancy piece so that we would not feel inadequate, which is very thoughtful! And I like chickadees.
Honorable Mention for absolutely no money whatsoever is Robert Hoyle and his cake. He is a long-time correspondent of mine and we share a history of service in the Navy. Bob’s tenure in the military is much longer and more distinguished than mine, and for that he deserves respect. But since he did not share a single piece of the cake with me, he finished out of the money…