In last eZine’s editorial, Rob mentioned his plans for turning some new fishing lures for an upcoming fishing trip. That apparently struck a chord with readers, who wanted to see both the lures, and the fish. – Editor
“We expect to see photos of your lures that catch fish.” – James Yarbrough
Editor’s Note: There’s no guarantee that the lures will actually catch fish, so this request may narrow things down a bit. As our next reader notes.
“Well, Rob, all I have to say is: If anything, no matter how many you do or don’t catch, I say, just enjoy yourself to the max. Getting away from the house and all of those things or folks that linger thereabouts is good for the soul. As is being on the lake of choice, or any lake, or as far as that’s concerned, just being on some water and untouchable.” – Dennis Young
And, in the editorial before that one, Rob asked for pictures of organized shops. So far, we have received such photos from one (1) reader. Hmm … wonder what that says about all those other shops? Anyway, check out Robert Frantz’s photos. – Editor