An Ounce of Prevention, a Dash of Forbearance
“I just had to compliment you on your excellent reply to an ounce of prevention, a pound of cure (mixing the acid water solution). You got your point across very diplomatically and amusingly. Keep up the great work.” – Fred Allen
We know only too well from our own myriad experiences how easy it is to overlook the obvious. – Editor
“Mass and volume are not equivalent, and if there is a great disparity of density between the oxalic acid and water the equivalence may not hold for small volumes.” – Herb Saunders
Rest easy; in this case, there’s not enough disparity to make any difference whatever in how the acid works. In fact, even the percentage we offered matters very little, since there is no appreciable difference in the efficacy of oxalic acid once you go over a six percent weight or volume solution. The 10 percent suggestion was to offer an easy mixing guideline. Since almost any concentration works, we felt it kinder not to get bogged down in things that are bound to add confusion rather than clarity. – Editor
Tool Reviews
“A couple of years ago, I told you how impressed I was with your tool reviews, and you replied that you wished they were better. I think a great deal of confusion occurs because there are many overlapping markets. In addition, some tools are made and sold for a specific use while others are made and sold for as wide a market as possible. While there can never be a perfect review, any unbiased review where the testing procedures are explained is of great value to both the purchaser and the supplier.” – Tom Walz
“Regarding the article on reviewing manuals, why can’t companies tell us how to maintain our tools with a few simple directions on where to oil, what type of lubricant to use, what to look for when the belt is becoming worn, and so on. I have a lot of money invested in my tools, and I want to take care of them.” – Lavonne Swiggum
To be fair, some manuals do contain maintenance information. For those that don’t, you might try contacting the company. We suspect most manufacturers will be happy to share such information, and delighted that you care enough to treat your tools that well. – Editor
Typo Corner
This came from a page on eBay with a picture showing the typical half sheet electric sander we all know and love (or hate.) – Editor
“You are bidding on a Craftsman 38hp half sheet dual motion finishing sander.”
Either this is a typo or this bloke is selling the ‘Tim the Tool Man’ turbo-charged model. – Editor
Um…a Cinder Block?
“After many years, my old Makita 9v drill/driver quit. I did exhaustive research on the Internet and ordered a drill. When it arrived I was surprised to find it weighed as much as a cinder block. I am amazed at the vast selection available with all levels of voltage, charge time, speeds, features, and of course price. I am a professional woodworker, but this traditional craft has moved into the 21st century far too fast for this poor Quaker Boy!” – Davis Durham
We agree that things are moving fast in all fields of technology, including tools, but we’re inclined to suspect that either the cinder block comment is a bit of an exaggeration or Quakers use smaller cinder blocks. – Editor
Whither Earlex?
“Nice article on the HV 5000, but where can I buy one of these? I live in Alaska.” – Patrick McCredie
Though they sell at many leading DIY and hardware outlets, if your local stores do not carry Earlex, try contacting them through the telephone and email options on the Contact Us page of their web site. They are very helpful folks. – Editor