In the November/December 2015 issue of Woodworker’s Journal, you’ll find projects perfect for gifting to your loved ones, like a jewelry box, a keepsake box that’s a gift in itself and even a mechanized carousel. Learn how to turn your own knobs, handles and wheels from woodturning expert Ernie Conover, and how to apply simple, nontoxic finishes – fast – from Michael Dresdner.
Classic Mitered Jewelry Box: In this classic gift project, quality brass hardware, figured wood and contrasting splines combine to create a beautiful box.
Stickley-Inspired Plant Stand: We’ve updated a classic piece, increasing its height and adding some gentle curves, but Chris Marshall keeps you tied to tradition with a fumed ammonia finish.
Keepsake Box: This small package itself is a good thing. Hidden magnets preserve the natural look and handmade feel of Bruce Kieffer’s tiny treasure box.
Carousel: Sandor Nagyszalanczy’s miniature mechanized carousel captures the joi de vivre of its real-life inspiration, and will bring a smile to those who receive, and those who build, this presentation piece.
Hexagonal Table Lamp: Larry Okrend sheds light on how you can create this lamp’s tapers with a jig and a band saw.
Tool Preview: Trusted names Rob Johnstone and Anatole Burkin take you on a tour of what two new technology-based tools can do for you. Explore the options of the Full Spectrum H-Series 5th Gen Desktop Laser, and the do-it-all router/laser/3D printer Piranha FX.