Well it’s happening again — we are about to put an old year to bed and plunge into a new year full of hopes and expectations. I personally am looking forward to 2010 with a goal of making the most of every opportunity that comes my way. But before I move furiously into the future, please allow me to take just a few moments to thank all of you who regularly read the eZine (and the print magazine, too, for all to whom that applies).
It is an honored privilege to be invited into your life and it is something that I do not take lightly. This eZine has been around for a long time — a rarity on the web — and your support is the key to our success. Thank you so much. And I know that sentiment is shared by the rest of the eZine gang: Joanna, Chris, Matt and the rest who pull this eZine out of thin air every two weeks. Your readership is the reason that we have some of the best jobs on the planet. (And more fun than we want our bosses to know!)
So thank you once again, and here’s to the new year! Full of adventures, woodworking and otherwise.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal