I had a request from a High School Music department for a 14″ model piano to display their logo. When I asked about obvious questions about type of piano, all they said was, “You’re the artist, surprise us.” I printed a picture of a complete baby grand off the Internet, began proportioning the dimensions, and cutting pieces. The keyboard was created on the computer and Mod Podge’d to the wood piece. Lots and lots of coats of High Gloss Black Enamel. Hooray!
Based on my success with the piano, I attempted a 12″ tall Stringed Double Bass Jewelry box. Created in much the same way (from a picture off the Internet), I crafted one piece at a time using mostly the scroll saw and a lot of hand sanding. The body is actually made from MDF. I was surprised that it took the stain and finish so beautifully.
– Michael E. Riffel
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