Last week, Rob admitted that his efforts to take a little off the top just reinforces how important a trained barber or stylist can be. Several of you have addressed this, well, “mullet” matter. – Editor
“Same here with the hair. My daughter gave me a buzz last week like my dad used to do back in the 50s. Didn’t realize I had so much comb-over! I enjoy your magazine and perspective.” – Gary Banks
“Your editorial last week reminds me of the old woodworking saying: ‘Measure twice, cut once.’ ” – E. L. Briggs
“Like you, my hair is getting longer by the day. Thank goodness the queen of our household has not taken after me with any sharp implements (though that may change if I start showing a mullet). And like you, my hair is getting whiter by the day. (White sounds so much better than gray, doesn’t it?) Mine seems to get straighter as it gets white. It was really curly when I was younger. It was medium-blonde, and if I grew it long enough (during my college rock ‘n’ roll band days) I looked like the Caucasian version of Jimi Hendrix. Also had a full scraggly beard. A girlfriend’s mom did a painting of me during that time, which I later gave to my mother. When my kids saw it they begged her to take it down, after they asked her who that weird guy was … Unlike you, the only beard trimmer I have is a tool designed for an activity called shaving. My beard is too white for me to want to see it grown out. Thankfully, the work-at-home mandate gives me plenty of time for woodworking projects. I’m making lots of sawdust these days. No social distancing in the shop. Stay well!” – Steve Dragg
“Regarding the haircut, we are within a couple weeks of learning EVERYONE’S true hair color!” – Dick Thomas
“Don’t despair about the hair. In 1968 (yes, it was that long ago), my wife didn’t care for the job my barber had done and decided to do something about it. We bought a hair-cutting kit and she began cutting my hair. She still trims what I have left to keep the back of my head looking presentable. I have less problem with sawdust on my head now. See if you can talk your better half into doing it. Don’t worry — she won’t ask you to reciprocate.” – Ed Amsbur