Last week Rob waxed poetic, and several of you offer support for his ode to ground-up wood. – Editor
“Wow, that was awesome. I’ve been spreading mulch for many years around my gardens and never once thought it could be poetic! Thanks for bringing a smile, and I’ll think of ‘The Woodworking Bard’ as I continue with my happy work.” – Fred Watson
“Since moving to the country a few years ago, I have been getting an annual load of ‘mulch’ from a local stable that boards and trains about 100 horses. He is glad to see me because he pays for the sawdust, then pays to have it hauled away (and the person that hauls it away gets paid to do that, then gets paid again when he sells it as composted mulch). I have been putting it on my raised vegetable garden bed and my wife’s flowers around the house.” – Keith Mealy
“I loved the poem! Been there…done that!” – E D Bogan
“Would you please engrave your poem on a plaque for me? LOVED IT!!” – Victoria
“Next year, try to get the ‘self-spreading’ mulch…it’s hard to find.” – Lou-Anne Annino
“Outstanding!” – James Reid