Last week, Rob announced the winners to our Pandemic Projects contest, and two of them are duly surprised to have been chosen. Gary Tague ‘splains his solution for wood movement, too. – Editor
I was pleasantly surprised at the Pandemic Project results. Thanks for the Rockler gift card. To ‘splain the consideration for wood movement on my bench top, there are screws through slotted holes behind the maple plugs. No glue was used. I enjoy your content. Stay healthy! – Gary Tague
You made my day! I’m not even close to being in the same league as a boat builder! Or most of the others that sent in their beautiful creations. I’m going to need bigger shoulders to hold up my big head now. Your boxes and (staff member’s) bowl are beautiful! I tried turning a bowl a couple of years ago…it split all apart and flew through my shop. My dog, who typically is in the shop next to me while I’m being creative, has not come back in since! He gets near with his tail between his legs, but no way will he enter. Thank you so much! I love my 15 minutes of fame. Be safe when out and about. – Claudia Fletcher
Several more readers who missed the contest deadline would like to share their projects this week. – Editor
Here is a picture of a wye-shaped, natural-edge walnut table I made. It’s 2 in. thick and 4 ft. long. I used epoxy to fill the cracks and then applied 15 coats of waterbased varnish. Many hours of sanding went into this project. – Ray Hager
I’ve been working on this since June but now that we’re all sequestered it’s good therapy for hard times. My inspiration for building this Glen-L Tahoe 21 mahogany runabout came from seeing posters and t-shirts from a 2014 ACBS show in a town that always hosts the classic boat show. At the time I was building a Factory Five Racing Cobra, so I saw that I could build my own classic wooden boat and I thought, “Oh cool…”. I filed that idea until I was finished with my Cobra and another major house project that was on the list. Then in 2017 I made the effort to visit the Glen-L gathering, held each September in Chattanooga, Tennessee, where other boat builders come once a year to show their boats and enjoy a weekend together. I managed to sweet talk myself and my wife into a ride in one of the models I was interested in building, and that was all the motivation I needed. – Ted Souhrada
Here are pictures of a couple of my most recent projects — a beehive and a couple of hand planes using old screwdrivers as the plane irons. I’m back to work full time now and living in Navy housing. – Jorge Parada
I was fine tuning a finger joint jig that was a tad too tight, couldn’t separate the pieces. It looked like a set of steps. Since I had a piece of scrap casing from a newly replaced door, I realized I could create both a shelf and a happy wife. Such a deal! – Jeff Kelly