I have several almost empty bottles of Titebond I and Titebond II lying around. Would it destroy the glue, or make it all Titebond I, if I combined both in one bottle? – Gerard Maul
Tim Inman: I don’t think this is a good place to be thrifty. The old saying is, “Penny wise, Pound foolish.” I think there is good advice in that phrase. Just think, if you try to save a buck’s worth of glue – and then the magic combination mixture fails during or after your project is underway, what have you really saved? Those glues are easily disposed of, so I’d say pitch ’em and get yourself some new glue. That’s what I’d do — and I’m about as thrifty as they come. (Some call it Iowa Cheap!)
Mark Roberts: Mixing Titebond Original Wood Glue and Titebond II Premium Wood Glue should be OK as long as the user understands that the projects he uses the mixture on are for interior use only. By mixing the two adhesives, the level of water resistance will be degraded. (Mark Roberts provides technical assistance at Franklin International, makers of Titebond adhesives.)