Metabo has taken that old saying, “Good things come in small packages” and run with it. Upon opening the heavy-duty carrying case of the PowerMaxx, a woodworker is greeted with a shiny, ergonomically advanced, lightweight cordless drill driver.
The slender handle houses a switch designed for elegant operation with the fingers on either the right or the left hand, and just one finger is also all it takes to switch the forward/reverse lever. A magnetic 1/4″ hex tool holder accommodates quick bit changes, while the driver function converts to drilling in seconds.
The PowerMaxx has a 4.8 volt battery (two, and a charger, come in the carrying case), with an ability to drive up to 95 #10×1″ screws on a charge. It also has an infinitely variable speed trigger switch and a two-speed gearbox for a no-load speed of 0-200 rpm in screw mode and 0-600 rpm in drill mode.
Suggested price for the 1.5-pound PowerMaxx kit — case, batteries, charger, offset driving attachment and chuck, plus the PowerMaxx itself — is $215 (however, we hear that Rockler Woodworking and Hardware has just picked up the tool and is offering it for $159.99). You can find more information at www.metabousa.com.