Online publishing has made it much easier for anyone to share their building tips and projects. But as the costs were removed, in some cases, so were the quality filters. To help save you the time of sorting through all the not-so-good sources, we’re shining a light on Internet woodworkers and makers we see doing interesting work of high quality. Here are our favorite online woodworkers and makers this month.
Matt Cremona is an active member of the online woodworking community. He not only makes videos about making fine furniture and woodworking tips, he also appears on different podcasts and attends many woodworking events. He also posts photo galleries and descriptions of some of his projects (like this Secretary Desk and Bookcase) on his website along with accompanying project videos on his YouTube channel.
His current ongoing project is a Queen Anne highboy. Here’s one of his updates.
Besides his interest in fine furniture making, Matt is known for his love of milling logs and working with large slabs. He even built his own large band saw mill.
April Wilkerson would much rather make the things she wants for her home in Texas than buy them. She also shares what she learns while building each project in videos and blog posts. Her projects range in scale from a large chicken coop she recently built to small decorative objects, such as a salt shaker or hair stick. Most of her projects serve a practical purpose in her home or workshop. Like the handy Coffee Table with Storage , pictured above.
Or this Outfeed Table she made for her table saw that features step-by-step design instructions complete with photos and a video.
Part woodworker, part engineer and part filmmaker, Frank Howarth makes some of the most interesting projects and videos you’ll find. Many of his projects involve woodturning or CNC machining (sometimes both!). He recently turned a segmented sphere that looks like a giant wood eye.
You’re bound to learn something new watching Frank build his projects. Frank’s YouTube channel is the best place to see his latest work, like this sliding door.