“Greg Novosad’s work is obviously astonishing. Would you enhance this article by going into the techniques? I am essentially interested in his use of a laser. This is the first I’ve heard about using a laser in inlay work.” – David Brannam
It’s actually becoming surprisingly common, David. We highlighted Michael Gurian, a man who makes laser cut inlays for guitar makers, in Issue 212, and have also delved into companies who make lasers aimed squarely at the woodworking market, such as Epilog and Universal. Browse those websites and you’ll find an education on creative laser use at your fingertips. – Editor
“The article about Bill Thomas had a link to the school he attended, but please note that Bennet in the school name North Bennet Street School has only one T.” – Jeff Joslin
Thanks for catching that, Jeff. We’re sure the school also appreciates your diligence, since we all prefer to see our names spelled correctly. – Editor
“Why don’t you poll your readers and have all that have built a Maloof style rocker submit photos? You could publish an Internet homage to him. I’ve built three in his style.” – Bill Dawson
That’s an interesting idea, Bill. We regularly run pictures of work in the Reader’s Project Gallery section, and rocking chairs would certainly be a welcome addition to that segment. What do you think, readers? Want to show us your Maloof inspired rockers? – Editor
“I have been subscribing to several woodworking magazines, including yours, since 2005, and have never seen an article pertaining to compound miters.” – Walter Martinez
We haven’t done it in the eZine, but compound miters are covered in Sandor Nagyszalanczy’s examination of miter joints in his 2009 joinery Skill Builder series for the print version of Woodworker’s Journal. You can find the complete, extended version of the Miter Joint article here in the “April 2009” section of the “More on the Web” tab at www.woodworkersjournal.com. – Editor
“With regard to the limitations of setting a table saw blade to angles beyond 45 degrees, I have found that my surface planer is invaluable in cutting such angles. By using a sloped jig, I can plane any angle from 45 to 0 degrees off 90. The only limiting factor is the width of the surface planer.” – Ed Miller
Thanks, Ed. That’s another excellent solution to the problem. – Editor
Typo corner
Here’s where we discover that sometimes typos can be quite amusing. – Editor
“…when attempting to route unfinished cherry…”
Were you using a GPS for that? – Editor