A laser engraving project that makes use of your beautiful scrap pieces of wood that are too small for other projects.
Let’s face it, many of us woodworkers have a weakness for really beautiful wood. It’s understandable — we can see the potential in padauk, the wonder in walnut and beauty in curly birch in ways that others really can’t. But this special insight leads to a special sort of problem … “wonderful-wood hoarding.” Stacks of sweet lumber secreted away and gathering dust because while it is just too good to throw away, the pieces are also too small to make anything from them. Anything. Which is why this little project is such a great idea. All of us have special events in our lives, why not memorialize them with a small plaque engraved on exceptionally pretty wood? The plaques make wonderful gifts that are unique and thoughtful.
So take a moment to check out the video to learn more about options for getting your messages engraved onto your special stock. There are ways to get it done that you may not be aware of.