Had a Great Time, Wish You Were Here
A few of our readers sent us quick notes in response to Rob’s editorial last time out mentioning that he was heading to Atlanta for the biennial International Woodworking Fair. – Editor
“Thank you for all the fine woodworking articles and tips. I am into part-time woodworking, would be full time, but I am retired and am trying to catch up on all of the projects that I put off, until I retired. There just aren’t enough hours in the day. Enjoy your time in Atlanta, I am definitely enjoying my time in Hawaii. Aloha.” – John Frink
“I just got your e-mail about the IWF, wish I could go but am too busy to even attempt it. I do want to thank you for the free plans you send every week.” – Bob Snyder
“It is very nice to receive your regular pages, and I like the Plans ever so much. I do trust that your arms are improving by now. I am sure it would be a long, hard flight.” – Ronald C. Kerr
Band Saw Wanders No More
This reader had a question a while ago about a wandering band saw blade – and wrote to tell us that the answers provided in the Q&A for eZine 253 helped him out. – Editor
“It works! I just resawed a bunch of cherry laminates for curved drawer fronts and they came out great. I had to clean them up a little with the planer, but that’s to be expected. Thanks for your help.” – Bob Bacon
A Hole In One…Lamp
Readers had additional suggestions for the woodworker whose question about drilling a hole through a lamp stand for the wiring appeared in eZine Issue 256. – Editor
“Once again, your experts prove their woodworking knowledge is more ‘furniture’ and less ‘turning.’ The easy way to drill a turned lamp is with it still in the lathe. Knock the pointed tip out of the live center, and use an extra-long drill bit to drill through it. These are sold in woodworking stores, especially those with woodturning sections and lamp kits. It’s quite easy, and there’s no need to try drilling 6-8″ freehand from each end and gluing in a piece of pipe . . . It also fits the ‘KISS’ principle better, and won’t lead to a ruined turning.” – Hank Sims
“I noticed that neither of the responses suggested drilling the hole while the piece is still in the lathe. Many dead centers for the tailstock and some centers for the headstock, and many 3- and 4-jaw chucks permit drilling through their center with a long drill but, often up to 3/8″ diameter. I agree with the idea of drilling only halfway from each end, even if it is necessary to switch the piece end-for-end in the lathe.” – Gordon Patnude
“There are drilling extensions which can be as long as 12 inches. With this extension and the spade drill, drilling a 15-inch hole is really easy. The drill extension is not terribly expensive, so it can be easily purchased without breaking the budget. For a straight hole through the length of the lamp, one could chuck the drill in the tailstock of the wood lathe, chuck the lamp base into the wood lathe and run the drill and the extension through the length of the lamp base. Also, a drill press can lend itself to drilling a straight hole through the length of the lamp base.” – D.P. Hartmann
“I love turning lamps out of contorted pieces of wood on my lathe. The wood grain is very pretty in most cases. I have found the best way is to drill the hole before I mount it on the lathe. This takes some planning as to what the best path for the hole is. The holes in the ends normally are the center points. I use plugs in the holes so the centers hold.” – Ron Orr
Desk Work
This reader has made a desk similar to our Premium Plan Greene & Greene Inspired Desk before – but he made some modifications. – Editor
“Several years ago, I made a desk very similar to the Greene and Greene desk shown in the Free Plans section of the latest Woodworker’s Journal eZine. There were two major modifications that I made. First is that I used two different types of wood – mahogany and oak. My preference is to mix woods when making this style(s) of furniture. I feel it adds more interest. The second modification is probably the most important.
“The left- and right-hand set of drawers are complete stand-alone modules. I then attached, with screws, the skirt panel and top. This allows for easy take down and moving of the desk. Also makes it ‘lighter’ to move and easier to go through the doors. It has worked great through two moves.” – Phil Rasmussen