Before you choose a vise for your next workbench project, consider the new 2X Wood Vise from Lake Erie Toolworks. It’s powered by a massive, 3-in.-dia. maple screw that has a one-turn-per-inch double start thread movement. It is both the largest wooden vise on the market as well as the fastest, Lake Erie says, beating competitor vises in either wood or metal.
The company also reports that the vise’s action can best be described as “jackrabbit fast” and “smooth as butter.”
The 2X Wood Vise Premium Kit is suitable for a variety of bench vise configurations, including leg, twin-screw, face and tail vises. Milled from a solid billet of hard maple with no glue lines, the vise screw is approximately 23 to 24 in. long with a 4-in.-dia. hub. Also included is a 2-3/4-in.-thick x 5-in.-wide x 8- to 9-in.-long hard maple wood nut and a 1”-dia. maple handle with end-grain threaded knobs and O-rings on both ends. The kit’s brass garter set with steel screws comes in either vintage or brushed finishes.
The 2X Wood Vise Premium Kit is available now and sells for $329. Learn more by clicking here.