Over the years, I have used the term krenovian many, many times as I’ve described a piece of woodworking. And it is a testament to the remarkable influence of James Krenov – the builder, the teacher and the author – that folks know exactly what I mean.
Woodworking has lost an enduring pillar of our craft. This week, at the age of 89, James passed away. While it is of little consequence to those who are in mourning, I would like to offer my sincere condolences to his family, friends and his legions of students. The pain of separation is a certainty in life, but that doesn’t diminish its power. There’s no doubt that James Krenov’s influence will continue. His work will be referenced and studied, copied and critiqued as it has been for so many years. But the force of his character and the spark of his creativity has been lost to us, and that is a sad thing indeed.
Rob Johnstone