Thank you for all the comments and answers. I can always count on you to offer an answer to a difficult question. Last issue I asked if cabinetmaking was woodworking. (Specifically if you are using huge 1,000-lb sheets of melamine. I know that I said they were 90 lbs. in my last e-mail. After a couple of weekends of hefting and cutting them, I have to admit — I was just wrong.) And the answer to the question: the vast majority of folks chimed in and confirmed that it was indeed woodworking (even if you are using nasty, blood-thirsty sheets of plastic covered malice in melamine clothing).
In case you are wondering, the cabinets are coming along fine and I learned an important lesson during the process. I really need to focus on this writing thing because I would literally die if I had to go back to making cabinets for a living. (I also remembered that I don’t really like working with melamine … did I mention that?) If you’d like to check out just a few of the more than 400 comments on the pressing question, click over to the reader’s response page. And when you are done there, please go ahead and sign my petition to outlaw melamine in all of its devilish forms.
— Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal