Forgive me for getting a little over-the-top excited, but the new Woodworker’s Journal website that I mentioned in last eZine’s editorial is finally here – and it’s making me giddy.
You’ll notice the difference when you read this week’s eZine: it looks a lot better. You’re still getting the same great content – it just might have a new home as to where it lives online when you click through the links. I think the navigation is much easier, plus there’s lots of other cool stuff on the site. More videos! We’ve made it easier for you to share your projects with the Reader’s Project Gallery! New bloggers! And more!
Yes, I’m excited. And I hope you are, too. In dog years, the Woodworker’s Journal eZine is about a gajillion years old (give or take), but we’re still learning new tricks. I hope we’ll continue to make your reading (and viewing) a pleasure.
Woodworker’s Journal