A book mentioned in the What’s In Store section of the last issue of the eZine prompted this reader to write in with a link to his own write-up, which includes tips on where to put your birdhouse so that it’s safe for your fine feathered friends. – Editor
“I would like to add to your recent eZine promotion of Build Your Own Birdhouses and Feeders [by John Perkins, Firefly Books, ISBN 978-1-55209-135-7]. I wrote an article on birdhouse placement, construction, maintenance and hanging. It is not very long but does provide some worthwhile suggestions and reasons for careful placement, mounting and monitoring, as well as construction tips. The link: http://cubits.org/gardenideas/articles/view/441/ It is done as something I feel is important for the birds.” – Lance Gardner
We’d like to hear your thoughts on new table saw safety regulations that were recently proposed the Consumer Products Safety Commission. – Editor