Last week, Rob wondered if you use inlay in your projects. Several readers share their thoughts (and photos!). – Editor
“Last night, in making animal-shaped band-sawn boxes (one of your free plans from a couple of weeks back), I drilled holes for the eyes in walnut and inserted maple plugs. Does that count as inlay? Very basic end of the scale (but more involved than the suggestion in the plan to draw the eyes with a permanent marker …).” – Andy
“I am just a novice, really. However, I do love to dress up a project with a simple linear inlay when I feel it is appropriate. I use commercially made inlay strips, and I’m usually very happy with the results. Here are two examples.” – Ed D.
“Maybe a middle approach is to purchase some higher-end inlays and inlay those into some designed furniture. Fairly reasonable if you find what you like. Here are a couple samples of my inlaid projects.” – Pete Earleywine
“How about an article on using CNC for inlay work?” – James Wilson
“I’ve done some simple inlay work with good results. My best has been on small projects such as music boxes.” – Art Abrahamson
“This was my first and only try of sand shading with inlay. I was very happy with the way it turned out.” – Nick Baker