I’ve tried filing my table saw blade teeth and honing them with diamond stones, but nothing I do seems to make them any sharper. Do you “experts” have any suggestions on how I can sharpen my saw at home? – Buck Saver
Tom Outman: In my experience, saving a penny or two now on blade sharpening will just have you spending lots of dollars later when you get it wrong and have to buy a new blade. Send it off and get it done right, Buck.
Chet Marschel: I beg to differ with you on this one, Tom. While I agree that the average Joe can’t sharpen blade teeth with a file, there’s another way to sharpen a saw: flashcards, nearly guaranteed to improve a dull blade. Think about it: there are a lot of numbers involved with blade tooth geometry. So, it’s all about the math here. My blade and I practice geometry on a regular basis, usually while glue or finish is drying on the latest project. I’ve seen real improvement in my blade’s performance, especially when cutting compound angles. No blade left behind, that’s my motto.