Here we go, starting the race to the holiday gift building finish line. While I will admit to a small degree of nervousness in regard to getting my stuff ready in time to be a hero rather than a Grinch, one of the hardest parts of this effort is already done: figuring out what I am going to make.
Now I know that not everyone is as proactive as I am, so if you are having a bit of a challenge with that part of the process, let me offer you a bit of help. The Woodworker’s Journal November/December print issue (being printed while we speak, or um … read) is full of great gift ideas with drawings and step-by-step instructions. Our Holiday Gift Section might just be the gentle push that will get you going full-speed in your shop. I’ve asked our online sales team to put the magazine on sale even though it is not quite ready to go, but if you reserve one now, you can get it sent to you as soon as the ink dries.
As for me, I want to be done with my gift projects by the end of November … and if you believe that, let’s talk about this bridge I have for sale!
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal