I have a small workshop in Australia. I recently had shoulder reconstruction due to too much heavy lifting. Can anybody assist me with a design for a home made mechanical helper to tilt a sheet (8 x 4) feet of MDF from a vertical position to a horizontal position so I can then slide it onto my panel saw?
Michael Dresdner: A picture is worth a thousand words, and I don’t have one, so bear with me as I dry to describe this. Build a frame about 3′ by 5′ with a lip or shelf on one long edge. This frame will hold the sheet goods on its lip. Mount the frame on a pivoting axle two feet in from the lip edge, which will be the halfway or balance point of the MDF sheet. Mount the axle on two gusseted posts set on a wheeled frame. The posts should be high enough so that when the frame is tilted horizontal, it is the height of your saw table. Set the sheet on the frame, sitting on the lip; tilt it horizontal, wheel it to the saw, and slide the panel off.