As our planet continues to swing around the sun and a new year is nigh, I would like to take a moment to say thank you to all you eZine readers out there in the ether. This eZine would not exist without you, and the staff here at Woodworker’s Journal are grateful for your support. And more than that, you make our job fun and easy ― with your feedback, comments and submissions. So, thanks again for all you do and please accept our best wishes for a wonderful new year for you all. In the coming year we will do our best to bring you good woodworking content: plans, tool previews, interviews and interesting woodworkers ― and have some fun while we are at it.
So as you are putting on your funny hats and getting ready to ring in the new year, remember to be safe and that we will be looking for you again in 2014!
– Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal