Are you a member of a woodworking guild? There’s one in my city, but I haven’t gotten involved with it yet. I probably should, especially after learning about a special guild in Greenville, South Carolina.
If you’re a subscriber to the print magazine, you’ve probably read our April “Shop Talk” article about the Greenville Woodworkers Guild. To say that it’s a unique organization is an understatement. These folks share a 20,000-square-ft shop space that would be the envy of any technical college! Highly organized, their mission involves three tenets: educating members, educating the public about woodworking as an art and charitable works. They take all three commitments very seriously. And for $150 per year, plus initial shop training, members have full access to the facilities with all its amenities. But even better, they have the opportunity to share in woodworking as a community activity.
How has being a member of a woodworking guild benefitted your hobby and your life as a woodworker? I’d love to hear about it, and I’m sure fellow readers would, too! Maybe that would give me the nudge to attend the next guild meeting where I live and expand my horizons.
If you’re a subscriber and haven’t read the “Shop Talk” article yet, please do! (If you’re not a subscriber, you can pick up a copy of the April issue at Rockler stores or at
Chris Marshall, Woodworker’s Journal
Nova Neptune Lathe

Adjusting Height of Long Bit

Table Saw Outfeed Table

Track Saw Jig