Autumn is, without question, my favorite time of year. The cooling temperatures, the turning colors — the free candy at Halloween celebrations — what’s not to like? (I know that a lot of folks look at it as a harbinger of the winter to come, but that’s like saying a birth is a sad story because it means death is inevitable. Grab a little perspective here: if you can’t live for the moment, how about a whole season?)
I don’t think I am the only guy around who really likes fall … because I know that many of you go back into the shop as September and October arrive. Whether it is to get a real jump on those holiday presents this year (hope springs eternal!) or some other reason — it is a truism that woodworking activity increases as the temperatures decrease.
So, I am curious, what is it that you are planning on building this fine fall? Do you have any big plans, or are you simply going to let the woodworking spirit move you? Drop me an e-mail, and we’ll share some of your ideas in our Feedback section. And, if you are a member of our Premium section — go ahead and put a picture of your latest project online for all of us to see. (A couple of my latest offerings are there for folks to ponder.)
I’d like to chat more, but I think that it is time to clear the pile of stuff off of my table saw and get to work.
Rob Johnstone, Woodworker’s Journal