Fishing for Compliments: Here’s What We Caught
As most of you know, in Rob’s editorial last time out, we promised prizes to people who said good things about the eZine, as judged by our crack team of judges, consisting of…Rob Johnstone. You’ll find the first place winner in this issue’s editorial, but, of course, we just can’t get enough of hearing you sing our praises, so we wanted to share a few more entries in the Woodworker’s Journal eZine Apple Polishing Contest. – Editor
“I have read nearly all of the other woodworking magazines, and they don’t compare with the inspiring masterpiece you craft every month. From the first words in Rob’s editorial to the last line, ‘copyright 2009 Woodworker’s Journal,’ I am moved in ways I never thought possible by the digital word on screen. My favorite part is, of course, Rob’s editorial. He is witty and creative, and just the name alone is inspiring. ROB JOHNSTONE.
“Second after the editorial are the free plans. I have built all the items that have come in this useful section. Well, not all – really only one – but someday I hope to, before I pass from this world.
“This eZine actually saved my life once. I had printed a copy to read in the bathroom, as I knew I would have time for reading on this particular trip. I got comfortable and began to read when I happened to glance at the roll of toilet paper. You guessed it, completely empty and no spare rolls in site. Now, we had a house full of guests, and I am just sure I would have died of embarrassment if I had needed to call out for reinforcements. I quickly realized that I was holding a handful of paper. Then I realized it was my beloved eZine. What to do, what to do? Although tormented, I decided that the parts I had already read could come to my rescue (sorry, Rob). So don’t miss a single issue of this great publication. It may just save your life, too.” – Shawn Highfill
The next commenter may change his mind when he reads the entry above. – Editor
“Of all the ways I have discovered to avoid work by wasting time on the Internet, reading the WWJ E-Zine is the most wholesome.” – Dan Schechter
Both Shawn and Dan are prizewinners in this contest. Of course, we like to think that every eZine reader wins from being exposed to such great content. And some readers aren’t shy about helping us boost that ego just a little bit more. – Editor
“He that tooteth not his own horn, will not hear same resounding through the valley!” – Virgil Armstrong
Some of them even keep us hep to the hip lingo when singing our praises. – Editor
“My browser makes you look phat!” – Dennis Nylen
Can world domination be far away? – Editor
“I would go so far as to say the Woodworker’s Journal eZine is the Sooper Dooper eZine of the world. Nowhere on the North American continent, and undoubtedly the whole rest of the modern world, can one expect to find a more informative publication. The extra treat of the April Fool Special edition is incomparable and the Best on God’s Green Earth. Thanks for the Unsurpassed, Best of Class, Giant among Giants publication.” – Ken Erlenbusch
Evidently, we’ve already helped to conquer mind over matter. – Editor
“The eZine is such a remarkable fountain of information that now, when I start a woodworking project, the wood cuts itself, perfectly square. Then, because of what I’ve learned on the eZine, the project glues itself, clamps itself, and, after a few hours, finishes itself with a long-lasting polyurethane finish. I am looking forward to many projects in the future, most of which while I watch Monday Night Football. Anyone want an authentic-looking Stickley chair?” – Matt James
Even if some appear to have mixed feelings about the eZine. – Editor
“The fluff of your Ezine balances very well against the depth of my ignorance.” – Chris Nelson
Perhaps the “fluff” refers to our well-known penchant for prompting poetry (lyrical and otherwise)? – Editor
[to the tune of “Begin the Beguine”]
“When they begin the eZine,
It brings back the sound of help so tender,
It brings back a night of sanding splendor,
It brings back a memory evergreen.
“I’m with you once more under the stars,
and down by the shop the table saw is playing,
And even the router table seems to be swaying,
When they begin the eZine.
“To sand it twice is past all endeavor,
Except when the planer gets caught on the heart,
And there we are, swearing to join forever,
And promise never to part.
“What shop moments divine, what finish so serene.
To paraphrase it all, we read the eZine.” – Peter Tait
It is certainly nice to know that we’ve beguiled a variety of readers, including the one who sent in this next comment. (Did we mention Rob was the judge of this contest?) – Editor
“I subscribe to your eZine, but not because I am a master builder. In fact, I’ve never made a piece of furniture in my life. I do, however, occasionally repair a dresser drawer that’s fallen apart, and knowing how things are put together really helps me to figure out where to put the (correct kind of) wood glue for the job!
“Mainly, I like looking at furniture other people have made, and I read all the tricks and shortcuts, because you never know when some trick will translate to some other similar problem. I will probably never have the tools or the means to make even so much as a cutting board.
“But I’m going to continue to be subscribed to your eZine anyway, because I love beautiful, handmade objects.
“Plus, you look like Tim Robbins. Only with face fur.” – Ruth Egan
Additional Answer on Plywood Sanding
One of our eZine readers had a resource in his family who was able to bring additional information to one of the questions answered in last issue’s eZine. – Editor
“After reading the following question ‘what grit is “A” grade ply sanded to from the factory,’ I wrote my brother, who is a millwright at a plywood mill in Oregon. His reply is as follows:
‘The finest paper we run on the hardwood is #220. It runs so fast that it makes a nice, smooth panel. And, yes, the skins are getting very thin these days, so caution is advised.'” – Phil Gilstrap
And another reader wrote in to share the misery of the questioner whose poplar doors had bowed. – Editor
“I’ve tried using S4S poplar from big-box stores with little success. It runs to case-hardened and does not handle re-sawing at all well. The material I’ve tried is completely reliable in its propensity to bow, crook, cup and warp, if resawn. I’ve let it acclimatize for a month or more without reducing the bad behaviour measurably.” – John Dougherty
Scroll Saw Bowls
Several readers enjoyed the Today’s Woodworker feature in our last issue on Carole Rothman, who makes bowls using a scroll saw – and one wanted to buy her book on the subject. – Editor
“Carole Rothman is an excellent example of what ‘creative’ thinking and action is all about. On the humorous side, I would suggest that Carole is an excellent example of “thinking outside the box.'” – Robert Finley
“I used the #ISBN 978-1-56523-433-8 provided in the article on scroll saw bowls. I was unable to find the book on Amazon.com. Where may I find it?” – Jim Holimon
According to the publisher, Carole Rothman’s book, Wooden Bowls from the Scroll Saw, will be available in woodworking stores and from the publisher (Fox Chapel Publishing) in October, but likely not from Amazon until January 2010. – Editor
The Wrong Gas
When we published a comment in a previous Feedback section from a reader concerned that the lack of “air holes” in a cradle design would pose a suffocation hazard, we seem to have missed a misuse of a key word in his missive. – Editor
“I’m sure thousands have, by now, responded to this post, pointing out that babies, like grownups, exhale carbon dioxide (CO2), not carbon monoxide (CO). Anyone exhaling carbon monoxide would have already inhaled carbon monoxide, and likely wouldn’t be doing either for much longer.” – Dr. James Randolph
“Babies do not exhale carbon monoxide; however, they do pass methane occasionally.” – Bill Dawson