If you’ve read the Industry Interview in this issue’s eZine, you’ve read about the Eureka Woodworks program, where they set you up to make a variety of furniture and help you to market the product that you make. An integral part of that program is the Eureka-exclusive FactoryTrac™ jigs that come as part of the various Producer packages. These jigs work with basic home woodworking tools, like a table saw, chop saw, band saw, router and sander, and they each perform more than one function. The T-Cutting Jig, for example, says Eureka owner Harry Wilk, “cuts three different parts on the same jig for over 10 different pieces of furniture.” With the Basic Producer package, it works to create a chair, an Adirondack chair, and a love seat. As customers upgrade their packages, the jigs to make additional pieces of furniture are added in — along with all the mounting hardware, and detailed instructions. “We supply the jigs complete,” Harry said. The jigs are ready to go, and ready to help woodworkers quickly produce multiples of the same item. “Most woodworkers want to make money if they’re building stuff to sell,” Harry said. With the jigs, Eureka can “create a factory system on the floor of their garage. They can build stuff quickly and accurately. And if they get good at it, they can build an Adirondack chair in under two hours — including cutting, staining, sanding and everything.”
“Nobody else works with this group of jigs,” Harry said. “They’re all innovative — and they’re all registered and copyrighted.” Prices for Eureka’s Producer programs, of which the jigs are a part, range from $5,995 for the Basic to $15,995 for the Master. More information is at http://www.eureka-business.com.