Q: I have a 350 square foot shop and am looking to install a cyclone dust collector with five-inch pipe. I presently have a Delta 50-760 dust collector. My question is, should I put a separator on my Delta with five-inch pipe, or should I purchase a Grizzly GO703 cyclone and also install piping? My longest run from either collector would be 12 feet. I will have six blast gates, four — 90 degree long radius elbows, four Y branches, and about 40 feet of piping. I am looking to run only one machine plus the collector at one time. Space is of the essence so a larger cyclone than the GO703 would just eat up too much shop area. Would appreciate any input. Thank you. – John Michaud
Tim Inman: There is no right answer for this question. It will come down to personal preference. Here’s my two cents worth: 350 square feet is a pretty small woodworking shop. That in itself is not a problem. Sometimes I actually wish my shop were a little smaller – so I wouldn’t have so much to clean up. But a small shop probably isn’t going to ever be a production shop. Huge dust collection equipment might be “overkill.” So, if it were me, and I already owned a dust collector, I would probably just add a separator. Having a bigger cyclone machine would be wonderful, but it does take space and cost more money. Dollar for dollar, I’d rather have some nice new lathe tools. But that’s just me. Either of your choices will work. What will work best for you is the most important question – and you’re the one to answer it.
Chris Marshall: If your current Delta 50-760 is providing enough draw to keep your machines clear of chips and debris, I agree with Tim — save your space and money for other things. Especially if you are running only one machine at a time and closing off the rest of the ports with blast gates. If the collector is not quite doing the job, and that’s your main reason to “trade up,” you might want to contact Delta to see if a different or even larger bag might offer some improved performance. Going with a 5-in. main is a smart idea. I have a similar 1200 CFM Delta collector. My runs are longer than yours, and I’ve been quite pleased with it. I don’t have a separator.