Mini Biscuit Slot Cutter
“Does Ryobi still make a Mini Biscuit Jointer? I have had one for years and have no complaints about it. It works great, and the price was much less than the more expensive machines, like the PC that not everyone can afford.” – Jim Liotine
Through the miracle of the Internet, as soon as you ask your question, there is someone there to answer it. – Editor
“Ryobi used to sell what they called a “detail biscuit jointer” for the mini biscuits. I’ve got one, and it’s great for frames and other small stuff. Ryobi apparently no longer sells it under its own name, but Sears was selling the same machine under the Craftsman brand the last time I checked.” – Gary McLaughlin
Building Guitars
Our story about Stewart MacDonald included the information that they sell guitar kits, and several folks wrote to tell of their experiences with their first guitar, or to inform us of others who also sell such kits. – Editor
“Martin Guitar Company also offers kits as well as some parts and tools. I built a Martin Dreadnought Herringbone kit guitar. Doing so was great fun and very gratifying. The guitar sounds and plays just like a $2,000 Martin. I love it, but found that attaching the neck to the body is far more difficult than one would imagine.” – Dennis Butt
“Grizzly has guitar, banjo, and violin kits, plus all the supplies needed to make your own guitar from scratch.” – Bruce Jankowski
“I built a guitar with William Cumpiano and also have the book that Michael recommends. The book is full of practical detail, but I cannot say enough good things about how great it was to spend two weeks with Bill building an instrument. Bill was a patient and good teacher and the instrument that resulted is excellent.” – Steve Granek
More Noise about Noise
An ongoing discussion about shop noise, which included one victim’s letter asking how to approach a noisy neighbor, elicited the following thoughts. – Editor
“I just read Russell Sparkman’s complaint about noise. Sometimes we get so engrossed in our hobby or livelihood that we forget that some people do not enjoy the sounds that emanate from our workshops. I would encourage Mr. Sparkman to visit his neighbor and have a heart to heart talk to clear the air. I am sure that most woodworkers would try to abide by the wishes of their neighbors, if within reason. Good luck Mr. Sparkman.” – Ken Erlenbusch
“I have a personal rule. I never run power tools later than 9 PM on weekdays or 10 PM on weekends. I also frequently ask my neighbors if I’m being too loud. If so, I make sure the garage doors are closed. I also go out of my way to make them something from time to time.” – Bruce Ellis
That last suggestion about giving the neighbors gifts of shop-made treen now and again seems like the best advice of all. – Editor
Translating English to English
“I really enjoy Woodworkers Journal online, but being a Brit I sometimes have no idea what you are talking about. “Righty Tighty, Lefty Loosey?” Also, what or who is Target? Is that like Woolworths?” – Pat Scally, Bristol, England
We’re guessing it is more like Debenhams, which has a store in Bristol. Target is a price conscious department store chain here in the colonies. As for ‘righty tighty, lefty loosey,’ that’s simply a memory rhyme to recall which way screws and nuts get turned. – Editor
Typo Corner
It seems that our readers are aware enough of our regular typo corner feature that they want to help in the search for worthy fodder. One kind gent sent us an online posting that contained typos, but curiously, his own missive contained typos as well. Coincidence? We think not. – Editor
“I’m sure you folks like getting genuine typos instead of having someone report them to you, but I figured this one was special. Somewhere on a woodworking message board is a user who’s signature is the following:
‘It is better to be perceived as a fool then to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.’
I am amused that ‘perceived’ was spelled correctly and not ‘then’. It certainly got a point across to me, though I don’t think it was the point he wanted to make.”
And we are amused that you wrote “who’s” instead of “whose,” and ignored “ones” instead of the correct “one’s.” The rest of you may recognize this oft-repeated sentiment, credited variously to a number of people ranging from Mark Twain to Abe Lincoln, and doubtless more accurately to the ubiquitous “anon.” The more common form is “It is better to keep one’s mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” – Editor