Is there a difference between a jigsaw and a saber saw? Everyone has his or her own opinion but we would really like a definitive answer. This question has been asked several times and no one seems to be able to find a source for this answer or a way of confirming this. If there is a difference, what is it? Is there any way of confirming this? Maybe which term was used first? I myself use both terms interchangeably and would really like to know if I am using them correctly. Or am I doing as many people do when referring to plastic laminate as Formica, or by calling a circular saw a Skil saw. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Lee Grindinger: Of the two terms, one defines the use and the other defines the action or structure of the blade. It’s not unusual for things to be “named” twice depending on which characteristic seems most important. In finishing, for example, the terms “wiping stain” and “pigment stain” are often used interchangeably, one defining the method of use and the other defining the primary component. If you want definitive answers about the English language, you will be soundly disappointed. English, like most languages, grows and changes and is controlled not by a board of governors, but by usage. Those who write definitive dictionaries do so by observation, not decision. Now the ball is in your court. The term you and your friends use may very well end up THE definitive term because of widespread preference.