New Jersey’s Delmhorst has been providing specialty moisture meters to the woodworking industry for half a century, but their latest offering may just be their most popular model ever. It’s a non-intrusive, pinless version that won’t leave holes in your fine hardwoods. According to Delmhorst’s Paul Laurenzi, this handy little device combines “the accuracy of a pin-type and the convenience of a pin-less meter”.
Retailing for a hair under $300, the Accuscan meter delivers a powerful punch in a small package. An easy-to-read analog (needle) readout reduces errors while the meter measures moisture in a board from 6 percent all the way to 40 percent. It also has a color-coded reference scale to take readings in other building materials up to 3/4″ below the surface. Built-in battery and calibration checkers make sure that readings are always accurate, while a 1-year warranty and a rugged carrying case help ensure long life. The Accuscan also comes with a comprehensive species adjustment chart, to keep those readings right on the money.