There’s a December issue of Woodworker’s Journal headed to your mailbox soon, and this issue is dedicated to one of our all-time favorite tools: the router. Here’s the inside scoop on what you’ll find.
Whiz-bang Router Tables: Bill Hylton takes a close look at two of the industry’s “top-shelf” router tables in “Today’s Shop,” and he discusses how installing a router in a table can help you take new “routes” in your woodworking projects. If you’d rather build your own router table, Sandor Nagyszalanczy has designed a versatile horizontal router table, and we’ll provide the measured drawings and step-by-steps so you can build one for your shop.

Router Jigs: Among its many capabilities, a router can help you make dovetails. Chris Marshall tries out six of the more unique jig options on the market, looking for the one that makes them with the least amount of sweat and the most fun. If you’ve got a dovetail jig on your holiday wish list, you won’t want to miss this article.
Router Techniques and Tips: Check out editor Rob Johnstone’s ApplePly Modular Bookcase project for the router techniques he uses in its construction. Do you have router-related questions? We’ll help answer them in the “Q&A” section. Maybe you want more information about particular bits. Ralph Bagnall’s online router bit series should help, as he digs into their uses, setup and proper operation. Sandor Nagyszalanczy’s “Skill Builder” series on joinery finishes up with finger and box joints (hmm…wonder if he’ll use a router jig for any of them?).

Other Great Content: Chris Marshall sets the router aside and cuts some picture frame moldings using another shop favorite—the table saw. He makes a handsome coved picture frame with dentil accents, just in time for holiday gift-giving. And, Kerry Pierce wraps up his walnut Queen Anne highboy project by sawing and chopping his way through a case full of upper drawers.
There you have it: the December issue of Woodworker’s Journal should prove to be your route to some exciting new woodworking content.
Joanna Takes, Senior Editor