Cribbage board is made from recycled and or left over pieces from other projects. Core is made from 2 pieces of 3/4″ spruce plywood 7-1/2″ x 12″. I routed out 1/2″ thick x 4-5/8″wide x 4-3/4″ deep slot in each piece before gluing together. This made slot for slide. Top tracks are made from 3/4″ x 3/4″ tigerwood and birch (left over pieces of flooring from friends) Fillers on top are black walnut & maple. The 121st. hole is purple heart. Back is white poplar and oak. Poplar is left over from T&G paneling and oak is off a pallet. Outside frame is maple – recycled from old cabinet doors. Card slide is mixture of maple , black walnut and a small piece of 1/8″ birch plywood. Front piece on slide is tamarack- I got that from a fire kill area close to where I live. I have a couple of large garbage cans in my shop/garage. I throw all left over pieces that I think I might use. This is where most pieces came from. So left over scrap. Crib. Pins & magnet I bought at Lee Valley Tools and cards at Dollar Store. I estimate my material cost to me approx. $10.00 PLUS 50-60 hours of labour. I built 3 at one time. Most of the time you are waiting for glue to dry. I don’t sell them – these were made for Christmas gifts.
– Ron Portas