Here is a Corner Entertainment Center I made out of solid walnut to custom fit this space. Even the deck, shelves and top are frame and panel assemblies.
The crown is built up of four pieces I made on the table saw with a molding head cutter and dado blade to cut the dentil molding. I carved the maple leaves and rosettes, made a custom knife from an old saw blade inserted into a handle, chucked a square blank into the lathe chuck and plunged the cutter in on the tool rest to cut the circular rosette.
I made the fluted casing on the table saw as well and made stop cuts short of the ends. There are thirty-eight raised panels on this unit and it was installed in two sections being joined at the waist molding. There is no plywood anywhere, everything was made from 5/4 rough walnut. The center drawer is big enough to hide a kid! Finished with stain to warm the tone and gunned on gloss polyurethane.
– Timothy Moody
Marshall, North Carolina