You know how when you stop by the bookstore or the library, you’re often inclined to check whether your favorite author has a new book out? Or whether there are any new publications geared to your favorite hobby? Well, with The Collins Complete Woodworker, your luck has doubled: it’s a comprehensive resource on woodworking, compiled by some of your favorite author/editors: us folks right here at Woodworker’s Journal. (Hey, we can dream.)
Beginning with a history of woodworking and woodworkers that starts in ancient times and takes you up to some of your present-day heroes, you’ll find all aspects of woodworking covered in this book: tools, how to set up your shop, jigs, hardware, techniques for veneering, woodturning and carving and more.
The wood itself, as well as the important hand tools, portable power tools and machinery all get their own chapters exploring them in-depth. The book also includes project patterns for you to incorporate your skills into and one of the most handy resources you’ll find: an actual glossary of woodworking terms, with their definitions. Wondering what the official definition of “slurry” is? Check out page 324, and be in the know.