I have been doing small to medium sized projects in my small and simply equipped shop since the mid 70’s.
Most of the items I have made are coffee tables, bookcases, end tables and bric-a-brac. I have made mirror frames and windows for my camp, plus cupboards and doors.
A friend of mine asked if I would make a china cabinet for them and I am enclosing a picture of it. It is completely made of Eastern White Pine with a walnut stain.The bottom section has wine racks and a door with 2 adjustable shelves inside. The top section is detachable ( for moving) with 2 doors and a fixed glass panel in the center.
Because I don’t have a finishing room, I rubbed it with 600 grit sand paper and #0000 steel wool, and several coats of Minwax for a glassy finish with a high shine. The people were completely pleased and will not mind if I share the picture with you and your magazine.
I have enjoyed reading the magazine for years and hope that you continue with the wonderful articles, hints and techniques. Thanks for the chance to share my handiwork.
– Rick Miller
Miramichi, Canada