Weekly Editorial
Electronic Feedback
Once again I go to the wellspring of web knowledge and ask for enlightenment. How are you using the Internet to support your woodworking passion?
The Gift of Humility
It seems that many of us have offered woodworking gifts (made not only of wood, but of our hopes and fears – blood, sweat and tears), only to have the experience go south.
I Really LOVE IT! (ugh)
It was Christmas morning, and two of my children were simultaneously opening their second gift from my workshop.
Power Toolmakers: On Your Mark – GET READY
The query regarding building projects to save money engendered the widest divergence of opinion.
The State of the Woodworking Union
Our leaders are telling us that these are unsettling times. All that is well and good, but what I want to know is the “state of woodworking.”
Woodworking and Love
A recent (and yet somehow eternally ongoing) remodeling project at home has put me back in the shop for some extended hours. What I re-learned is how much I like it.
Heartfelt Thanks
I’m stepping aside this time out because our friend and contributing editor Michael Dresdner has something important to say.
A Call to Action
I speak often of a community of woodworkers, and a significant member of our community could really use some assistance.
OK…It’s Time for ‘Plan B’
Or is it “Plan C” that you are working on right now? You know what I’m talking about, O Christmas gift builder, you ersatz Santa’s elf.
Special 25th Anniversary Offer
While I am not the most clever person in the world, I do know a thing or two. One is, if you like the Woodworker’s Journal eZine, you’d love the Woodworker’s Journal print magazine.