Weekly Editorial
Building Is the Answer
The question Rob asked last ‘Zine was: is there a significant difference between male and female woodworkers?
Fanfare to Furniture
Regardless of what sort of woodworker you are, I’m pretty sure that building furniture is a constant in your shop life.
Teaming Up for Good
Rob takes a look at the Fall 2002 auction involving many woodworking products being sold for a great cause: the Boomer Esiason Foundation.
Both: Love and Profit
Rob is thankful for all eZine readers, whether they do woodwork for the enjoyment of the hobby or as a career.
Steel Yourself: It’s Carbide
Rob responds to reader’s feedback on his thoughts on carbide tipped blades and on a previous Today’s Woodworker who got work from his profile.
Carbide Cutters: They’re Everywhere!
Rob hasn’t used a carbide tipped blade in a long time, but now he can’t avoid the things. He wonders what happened.
How You DO Choose!
Rob is pleased to see the reaction to both his last Editorial and to the magazine in general at IWF 2002.
How Do YOU Choose?
We get an awful lot of questions about what tools to buy, but Rob wants to know how readers make those decisions.
Rob is very excited to have been able to produce an extra issue of the Weekly in July 2002.
America: Red, White and Blue
Rob enjoys the Fourth of July celebrations and talks about a promotion (since ended) that SKIL ran to help after the 9/11 attacks.