Weekly Editorial
Woodworking: Las Vegas Style
Fresh back from a trip to Vegas, Rob turns to the eZine subscribers for their opinions on his latest woodworking thoughts.
Be It Resolved
With the new year upon us, Rob has a few woodworking (and reading!) suggestions for eZine readers to try out this year.
Peace and Goodwill to All
A few words from Rob for all of the eZine subscribers at the advent of a new year.
Holiday Wish List: The Sequel
Our yearly Christmas gift-list question provided us with a new favorite this year.
Rob’s Holiday Wish List
If your house is anything like Rob’s, the conclusion of the Thanksgiving Dinner kicks off the season of “the well-placed list.”
Building Is the Answer
The question Rob asked last ‘Zine was: is there a significant difference between male and female woodworkers?
Fanfare to Furniture
Regardless of what sort of woodworker you are, I’m pretty sure that building furniture is a constant in your shop life.
Teaming Up for Good
Rob takes a look at the Fall 2002 auction involving many woodworking products being sold for a great cause: the Boomer Esiason Foundation.
Both: Love and Profit
Rob is thankful for all eZine readers, whether they do woodwork for the enjoyment of the hobby or as a career.
Steel Yourself: It’s Carbide
Rob responds to reader’s feedback on his thoughts on carbide tipped blades and on a previous Today’s Woodworker who got work from his profile.