Weekly Editorial

  • The Gift of Humility

    It seems that many of us have offered woodworking gifts (made not only of wood, but of our hopes and fears – blood, sweat and tears), only to have the experience go south.

  • I Really LOVE IT! (ugh)

    It was Christmas morning, and two of my children were simultaneously opening their second gift from my workshop.

  • Power Toolmakers: On Your Mark – GET READY

    The query regarding building projects to save money engendered the widest divergence of opinion.

  • The State of the Woodworking Union

    Our leaders are telling us that these are unsettling times. All that is well and good, but what I want to know is the “state of woodworking.”

  • Woodworking and Love

    A recent (and yet somehow eternally ongoing) remodeling project at home has put me back in the shop for some extended hours. What I re-learned is how much I like it.

  • Heartfelt Thanks

    I’m stepping aside this time out because our friend and contributing editor Michael Dresdner has something important to say.

  • A Call to Action

    I speak often of a community of woodworkers, and a significant member of our community could really use some assistance.

  • OK…It’s Time for ‘Plan B’

    Or is it “Plan C” that you are working on right now? You know what I’m talking about, O Christmas gift builder, you ersatz Santa’s elf.

  • Special 25th Anniversary Offer

    While I am not the most clever person in the world, I do know a thing or two. One is, if you like the Woodworker’s Journal eZine, you’d love the Woodworker’s Journal print magazine.

  • So Much Wood, So Little Time

    Last eZine I explained my passion for the plain-Jane hardwood, birch, and asked if you-all had a species preference. The answer was, YUP!