Weekly Editorial

  • Thanks for the Feedback

    Last Zine I asked for feedback relative to how we at the Journal have been doing. I got some great responses, mostly positive, but a few negative.

  • Straight Talk

    One thing that I really appreciate about the eZine audience is that when I ask for an opinion…I get several. Every once in a while, I like to ask how we at the Journal are doing.

  • And the Winner is!

    By the way … my family’s suspicions were correct about the bathroom cabinet. I got close to completing it, but did not make the deadline.

  • Westward HO!

    By the time you read this missive, I will be out on the wild North Dakota prairie partaking of my other passion …PETA members avert your eyes … bird hunting.

  • Oh, My Word … It’s September!

    It used to be that I would misplace an hour or two; and occasionally find it hard to figure out which day of the week it was.

  • Working to a Deadline

    My son is getting married on the 29th of August…and so I’m working on my house like a madman! For some reason…it may be genetic…I don’t seem to be able to get anything done without a deadline.

  • Great Summer Reading

    Most of you know that putting out the eZine is just part of my job. I am also the editor of the Woodworker’s Journal print magazine.

  • Summer Shows Approach!

    Some folks look forward to summer as a time that is slow and easy … well, they sure don’t work in the woodworking publishing industry.

  • Life Goes On: Enjoy it!

    Last Friday my eldest daughter, Rachel, was married in a beautiful outdoor evening ceremony, causing her dad to spend some time in a reflective mood.

  • Survey Says!

    The question I asked was “do you read the eZine at home or at work?” Well, let me say that in a highly unscientific examination of your replies, reading the Zine at work is ahead by a small but significant margin.