Weekly Editorial
The Scrap Challenge
This week, Rob tackles his scrap bin, V-groove bits, fixing dowel pins, plus plans for a Simple Bookcase and a Morris Chair.
Exotic, Me?
This week, Rob works with wenge, exploring drawknives, speed clamping, plus spoon carving and a blanket chest.
Inlay Away
This week, Rob explores inlay techniques, cutting keyholes and measuring epoxy, plus plans for a living room table and lamp.
August Already?
In this issue, Rob turns the calendar page, cutting glass, hiding gaps in molding, plus plans for a plant stand and a vanity.
A Slick Finish
In this issue, Rob discusses his finishing experience, Sam Maloof oil, cabinet scrapers plus plans for your dog and your shoes.
An Oily Situation
In this issue, Rob explores new finishing options, learn about casting, building wall shelving, plus frames for a mirror or clock.
One to Eight
This week, Rob checks out his storage, a Walnut Shelf, Hemlock Lumber, plus plans for a Desk and a Candlestand.
Thanks for Sharing!
This week, Rob reflects on pocket hole feedback, new tools, cutting half lap joints, plus plans for a simple wall shelf and a classic bookcase.
Left Corner Pocket
This week, Rob discusses pocket holes, a groovy reader’s tip and plans for a segmented turning and chairside storage box.
Logs to Lumber
This week, Rob makes his own lumber, planing thin stock, checking in with Oneida Air Systems, plus plans for a patio table and a bookcase.