Weekly Editorial
Fun with Woodworking
One of the goals I have for the eZine, in addition to our primary focus of delivering solid woodworking information, is to have a bit of fun. Hence, we have held, via the eZine, the messiest shop contest, a silliest project contest and, recently, our first annual woodworking poetry contest.
Judging the Future
Last week I had the good fortune to be invited to judge a collection of projects produced by students attending Minneapolis Community and Technical College. My fellow judges were guys from various aspects of the woodworking community here in town.
Chilly Reception Down in Dixie
Last week I took a quick business trip below the Mason-Dixon Line. One way that I know I am “down south” is when the woman behind the McDonald’s counter asks me “Hey sugar, whad y’all like this mornin’?” and then follows it up with “How about some grits with that breakfast burrito?” (No thanks … just coffee.)
A Hunkering Down Weekend
We here in Minnesota take great pride in the fact that we live where weather deserves to be the dominant conversation. Just last week, about five miles from my cabin, the air temperature measured 54° below zero. Garrison Keillor calls us “God’s frozen people” for good reason. But watching the news recently tells me that people in other parts of the country are getting to know the secret benefits of truly nasty weather.
Extra-Extra, Read all About It! Groundbreaking News from Milwaukee
Sometimes there is almost more going on than I can handle and today is one of those days. This eZine…
Celebrate and Take Action…
This holiday season has provided a dramatic context to appreciate how fortunate I am. The lovely weekend I spent with my family, followed by the news of the horrible events surrounding the tidal waves in the Indian Ocean, offered such a contrast that it helped me to take stock and to be truly grateful for all that I have. As well as to be moved to share some of that with people suffering on the other side of the world.
When It’s Rhymin’ Time Again…
I have an internal clock (maybe it’s more like a calendar) that alerts me when the eZine has simply gone too long without a goofy contest.
Goodbye Steve Blenk
My heart goes out to his family, who have lost a good husband and wonderful father. The woodworking community has lost a good friend as well, but the words are just not there to do the loss justice.
Turning Family Treasures!
Well, here it is November, and I am beginning to feel a bit of urgency on those holiday gifts. I’m sure some of you know how I feel…. And as I have not even turned on my lathe yet, there’s a good reason for that urgency.
Welcome Home, Michael Dresdner!
Although it may have been a poorly kept “secret,” I am so happy to announce to the eZine readership that our own contributing editor, Michael Dresdner, has signed on as my new electronic editorial partner in crime.