Weekly Editorial
Flat-out Good!
Take a look in our Woodworker’s Journal September/October 2005 print issue, and you’ll find we have a whole bunch of cool things happening.
Sawdust Schools
We had a tradition at my house each year on the first day of school. Like countless other parents, we’d take a picture of the kids – new school clothes and shiny clean faces — standing under the maple tree in the front yard.
Louisiana Blues
If you are like me, you’ve spent more than a bit of time recently thinking about those affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Brothers and Sisters in Messiness
I received a ton of e-mail (regarding my garage and its current disheveled state as discussed in the last eZine) from you folks saying, in essence, that I am not alone.
Know Thyself
To my dismay, I was looking at my garage this last weekend. To the best of my recollection, it has never held one of my cars.
Showing the Way to New Tools
I just flew in from Las Vegas, and are my arms tired! (Bu-dum-bump!) But seriously, folks, I did just spend the lion’s share of last week at the AWFS big woodworking show in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Note to show organizers: if you are going to have a trade show in July, try Vancouver – not Las Vegas!)
Pocket-holing the Benefits
Maybe it is the commonality of our Midwestern roots, or perhaps it is just chance, but I have always really enjoyed the folks at Kreg Tools, both professionally and personally.
Woodworkers Are Frugal
There are many common bonds between woodworkers: the familial connection of those who understand the essence of creativity and hard work; the knowledge of wood characteristics and the application of that knowledge; the desire to share techniques learned through years of experience.
Summer Countdown
I’ve said it before — and I have no compunction about saying it again: I want the eZine to be fun. Plus…well, maybe I haven’t said this before, but I think you’ve figured it out: I occasionally need to be a bit goofy.
Good To Meet You
Last weekend the Woodworker’s Journal participated in the Minnesota Woodworking Show. It was a great time. I got to meet many of the eZine (and print magazine) readers, who were very kind in their comments.